our identity


A story of Change

Over the last two decades we have seen the World change. People changed. We saw lifestyles shift as we slowly grew older. Fashion evolved. The luxury cars we drove became today’s junk. Teenagers are now World leaders. Kids with big dreams are leading young entrepreneurs 

While the young were hooked on MTV, the old read newspapers. But today, no matter the age, we are all stuck to a little screen.

In the last twenty years we have seen markets crumble. Advertising advance, the way we consume media mutate. Technology transformed, and the costly computers and phones we used then are now obsolete.

But, no matter what, one thing is for sure. Change. 

At Logix we’ve experienced 26 years of change. We have lived through historical moments, Seen the world survive hardships and various crises.

We celebrated innovation, and grew young with every challenge. And we believe that’s why we are still here today.

Whilst everything keeps changing, the one thing that will never change is our DNA.  The creative DNA. The call to create. The dream gene that keeps us young and wakes us up hungry for more. The spirit and grit with which we confront difficult times. The passion for anything that is DESIGN. The curiosity we have, to learn and re-imagine everything that is. 

So here we are doing what we do best. Change.  New face. New name.  New future. Same dna.